Tom Knuth - STILT.PRO

“ has given me a community. I joined to expand my tech knowledge, but it also offered me the chance to help others with their aspirations, which I have thoroughly enjoyed.”

Tom Knuth's journey with STILT.PRO, a company specializing in professional horticultural equipment and data collection solutions, began with his engagement with, where he found invaluable resources and community support.

Growing up in Duluth, MN, and later attending Michigan Tech, Tom cultivated a love for challenging environments and the ethos that enjoyment in life is what you make of it. With a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and experience at Cirrus Aircraft and John Deere in Augusta, Georgia, Tom honed his skills in system engineering and innovation, leading to the invention and patenting of a self-aligning driveline coupler.

Reflecting on his experience, Tom shares, “The praise received for the idea will fade long before the product is launched, and the true success is having the determination and grit to act on a good idea.” This philosophy became the cornerstone of his approach to entrepreneurship.


Gain a Network of Support


At John Deere, Tom learned to approach tasks objectively, removing emotion when necessary – a valuable lesson for any entrepreneur facing inevitable challenges. This mindset empowered him to take risks and explore new ideas, leading to the founding of STILT.PRO.

With STILT.PRO still in its startup phase, Tom's initial focus was on developing a specialized product, a rice husk blower. Over time, he realized the importance of data integration in nurseries, shifting more resources towards data analytics and collection. This adaptability showcases Tom's openness to evolving market needs.

Self-funding his venture, Tom credits a financial class he took with his wife for their strategic approach to money management, setting the foundation for his entrepreneurial journey. This preparation allowed him to dedicate himself fully to building STILT.PRO without the stress of financial constraints.

Tom Knuth and the STILT.PRO Team

Tom's entrepreneurial path is characterized by a balance of innovation, practical problem-solving, and a commitment to understanding his customers' needs. He emphasizes the importance of addressing problems head-on and aligning one's energy and efforts in the right direction. played a pivotal role in Tom's journey, providing him with a supportive community and exposure to various aspects of the tech industry. Tom explains, “ has given me a community. I joined to expand my tech knowledge, but it also offered me the chance to help others with their aspirations, which I have thoroughly enjoyed.”

Through, Tom found more than just resources; he discovered opportunities to collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs on projects ranging from marketing to embedded systems. This experience not only accelerated his own growth but also allowed him to contribute to the growth of others.

Tom Knuth and STILT.PRO exemplify the spirit of innovation and community that thrives at His story is a testament to the impact that a supportive environment like can have on an entrepreneur's journey."


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Arkia Ivey - From Phoenix